You got this Mama!
Breastfeeding | Babycare | Parenting
Designed for you: The confident and empowered, breastfeeding mama!
Hi Mama! You are here because you want to be ready for when your baby arrives. Whether you are a first-time mom or not, this course will have something for you and we are very thrilled to have you in our tribe!
Right now, you are probably concerned about:
✅ Not being able to produce enough milk for your baby
✅ If breastfeeding will hurt
✅ Baby won’t latch on to your breasts
✅ If formula milk is better
✅ You may even be thinking that breastfeeding may not be for you
In fact, you are probably overwhelmed by all the things you’ve read already.
We know that breastfeeding is natural, but it is also a skill that takes practice. Our online course contains simple and easy-to-follow video lessons and tutorials that will set you up for breastfeeding success and help you troubleshoot common issues. And the best part of it–you don’t need to get out of the house! Just click and learn on your own time and at your own pace, anywhere and anytime, even in bed.
Did you know?
A study published online in the journal of pediatrics shows that 92% of new moms reported at least one breastfeeding concern three days after giving birth. The top concerns included breastfeeding pain (nipples feel sore and raw), not having enough milk (low milk supply), improper latch (baby wouldn’t latch) and these concerns were strongly associated with the mother’s decision to stop breastfeeding.
Did you also know?
That same study also showed that prenatal breastfeeding education and peer support help to ensure that any concerns are avoided, in most cases, prevented if parents have the right information, especially in those first few days at home. That is really good and encouraging news!
Course Features
🎥 Access to over 40+ easy to digest videos
📝 Access to downloadable checklists, guides and handbooks
🏆 Comprehensive video lectures and tutorials
📌 On-demand, allows you to pick up where you left off
👥 Access to private online support community
⏰ 1 Year and 24/7 access to all the content, including future updates once enrolled
Course Outline:
Breastfeeding Essentials
Introduction Video from Doc Raissa
4 mins
The First Embrace: Skin-to-skin Contact and It’s Impact on Breastfeeding
16 mins | 3 Topics
✅ The First Embrace
✅ Unang Yakap – Normal Delivery
✅ Unang Yakap – CS Setting
The First 1000 Days of Life and Why It Matters
3 mins
Why Breastfeeding is Important and Life-saving
16 mins | 6 Topics
✅ Breastmilk is SUPER food!
✅ Colostrum
✅ Benefits of Breastfeeding
✅ Dangers of Formula Milk
✅ Advantages of Exclusive Breastfeeding
✅ How Breastfeeding Works and What Stimulates Your Milk Production
Breastfeeding Positions and Other Must-know Skills
22 mins | 10 Topics
✅ Positioning Reminders
✅ Cradle Hold
✅ Tummy to Tummy Position
✅ Cross Cradle Hold
✅ Hamburger Hold
✅ Football Hold
✅ Side Lying Position
✅ Laid Back Position
✅ Proper Latching and Positioning
✅ Breast Massage and Hand Expression
Frequently Asked Questions on Breastfeeding
22 mins
Babycare Essentials
Your Home Set-up
13 mins | 5 Topics
✅ Sleeping & Breastfeeding Areas
✅ Safety Considerations for Bed-sharing
✅ Safe Sleeping Space and Your Breastfeeding Nook
✅ Changing & Bathing Area
✅ Play Area
What to Bring to the Hospital
10 mins | 3 Topics
✅ What to bring to the Hospital
✅ Car Seat
✅ Birth Plan
Home Instructions and Baby Care Routine
22 mins | 6 Topics
✅ Baby’s First Few Hours and Days
✅ Breastfeeding
✅ Bathing & Cord Care
✅ Changing Diapers
✅ Changing Diapers Demo
✅ Sunbathing
✅ Follow-up Checkup
Soothing Techniques
7 mins | 2 Topics
✅ Soothing Techniques
✅ The Amazing Tiger in a Tree
Must-Know’s and Practical Tips
15 mins | 3 Topics
✅ Foods to Avoid
✅ Useful Baby Signs for Meal Times
✅ Food and Allergies by Dr. Aimee Nano
Babycare Essentials Summary
1 min
Hi! My name is Raissa Paje-Bayawa.
I am a pediatrician and a Diplomate of The Philippine Pediatric Society; a breastfeeding counselor, educator and trainer; a children’s book publisher; and most importantly a mom of 2 beautiful baby girls.
Experienced toe-curling pain and sleepless nights, worried that my baby is not getting enough milk, countless hours of crying, discouraged to the point of almost giving up—Yep, that’s me! And that’s why I’m here to help you.
I’ve been teaching parents, healthcare staff and educators in workshops, events and classes for the past 7 years. It wasn’t until I started my own breastfeeding journey that I was able to really experience first-hand the physical and emotional challenges a breastfeeding mom faces.
The years of teaching plus my own personal experience have equipped me to share what I know to expectant parents, especially to new moms like you, and guide you through YOUR OWN breastfeeding journey.
What our mommies are saying…
Frequently Asked Questions
Read below for some frequently asked questions about the course. If you have other questions, feel free to send us an email at any time.
Is this course for me?
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
While some moms may find it easy to breastfeed, 92% of new moms indeed encounter problems around the third day of breastfeeding, this is the time where mom and baby are already home from the hospital and no one to assist when an issue arises.
Both mom and dad are exhausted from adjusting to the new baby and the demanding schedule. If issues like pain, low milk supply or improper latching happens and mom or dad does not know what to do, this will likely to cause a lot of frustration to both parents and ultimately lead to the decision to no longer breastfeed baby.
The value of learning to breastfeed right now can help prepare you to resolve these common issues in the future. Plus it will empower to become a more confident breastfeeding mom and parent because of what you will learn from our course.
What you’ll get:
✅ Breastfeeding Essentials Course (₱1,500 Value)
✅ Babycare Essentials Course (₱1,500 Value)
🎥 Access to over 40+ easy to digest videos
📝 Access to downloadable checklists, guides and handbooks
🏆 Comprehensive video lectures and tutorials
📌 On-demand, allows you to pick up where you left off
👥 Access to private online support community
⏰ 24/7 access to all the content, including future updates once enrolled for 365 days
More than ₱3,000 worth in value for only ₱600 today!

Our Mommy Guarantee.
Our goal has always been to bring the best breastfeeding and childcare education to new expectant parents like you. If you don’t feel equipped to breastfeed or take care of your baby after completing our courses, send us an email within 30-days and we will give you a full refund!
© 2021 Bundle of Joy PH
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