DIY Calm Down Box
Some might expect that being the adult, I am an expert at controlling my emotions already! On the contrary, I find myself experiencing new “big feelings” as a parent-teacher.
Some might expect that being the adult, I am an expert at controlling my emotions already! On the contrary, I find myself experiencing new “big feelings” as a parent-teacher.
The title is a mouthful and the story is heart-warming. SMACK-DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF GOD’S LOVE by Brennan Manning and John Blase, illustrated by Nicole Tadgell, is a book that engages all the senses!
WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT, written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, is a wonderful book about a family who went out to search for a bear. Along the way they faced a handful of obstacles making their outdoor adventure a truly exciting one!
Do your children love stories? Do they act them out and pretend to be one of the characters? If so, your family might find this book fascinating!
Have you ever dreamed of becoming an inventor? Are you raising a budding tinker? If yes, you would love this book!
When asked why she loves this book, Tala said, “It’s so funny!” Partly because of Daddy’s theatrical reading voice I’m sure!😅
One of the books that has made such a positive impact on Tala’s attitude towards making mistakes is this beautiful book called A BEAUTIFUL OOPS!.
We tried 7 different types of baby carriers and selected the one that was versatile enough to fit our needs. Check out our review on each of the carriers and find out which one is our favorite.
Breastfeeding. Most men in general, myself included, don’t care about it since we literally don’t know how to breastfeed. As far as we are concerned, breastfeeding is a woman’s job. Is it really?
I understand the difficulties of pursuing breastfeeding when going back to work. Here’s a game plan to get you ready for work and to help you continue with your breastfeeding journey!