Breastfeeding for New Dads and its Benefits
Breastfeeding. Most men in general, myself included, don’t care about it since we literally don’t know how to breastfeed. As far as we are concerned, breastfeeding is a woman’s job. Is it really?
Breastfeeding. Most men in general, myself included, don’t care about it since we literally don’t know how to breastfeed. As far as we are concerned, breastfeeding is a woman’s job. Is it really?
I understand the difficulties of pursuing breastfeeding when going back to work. Here’s a game plan to get you ready for work and to help you continue with your breastfeeding journey!
A Birth Plan is a family’s means of conveying preferences and wishes to the doctors and to the hospital staff. Here’s a guide to making your own and why you need one for your big day.
Not having enough milk or fearing that a mommy might have low milk supply is a common concern for first-time moms. As moms, it’s our instinct to care for and feed our babies.
Q: How can you breastfeed if you have inverted nipples? It’s wonderful that you know you can still breastfeed even if you have inverted nipples! If the nipple does not protrude or become erect when pinched, then most likely it is flat. A truly inverted nipple is one that retracts or disappears when pinched around…